Sunday 17 January 2016

Carrot Cake Experience!

I have made some decisions this year, some are actually a follow up from last years. And one of those decisions is to start baking frequently. I love to ccok and I do it really well according to people who have tasted my food but when it comes baking, I get so lazy more so when I can always get freshly baked items near me for an affordable amount, why stress myself? However after planning for "back to school last year, check it out on, I decided to start baking frequently. And after church today, check what I tried out. I am impressed with "ME" lol! Watch out for /Candid talk with Elly, coming soon Yessss!

Needed a large cuppa, light dust of snow! so cold!


  1. Nice one. I hope I will be invited next time you bake. Keep it up ! Really waiting for the talk show.

    1. Sure dear, thinking of a tea evening with a few individuals. Where we can share ideas and spur each other. Not sure if I should make it just a particular gender though? And Yes, the talk show is just by the corner hun. I am sooo excited too. Thanks for your encouragement.

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